February 2021

Valentine’s Season: Here’s to getting your curves ready for date night!

Valentines Day 2021

With valentine’s day coming right around the corner, many ladies (and gentlemen too — and, no. We haven’t forgotten about you.) may be worrying about the extra ‘tires’ around their waist and the double chins, which they have gained during the past year of idling. Well, what we meant was working from our beds, along with the accumulated physical inactivity due to COVID-19.

woman pinching her body fat

While Chloe Ting’s workout magic may have worked for some, there may be some individuals still struggling to get rid of the stubborn flab around the waist and face. Hence, if you’re finding it hard to keep the protruding tummy in check, it’s probably a sign that you have too much visceral fat.

Time to speed up the reduction of tummy size through diet, exercise and Medical INDIBA® Proionic treatments!

Before delving into learning more about the Medical Indiba® Proionic treatment, we would first need to understand what is visceral fat.

What is Visceral Fat?

Visceral fat is found inside your abdominal cavity and wraps around your internal organs such as the liver, pancreas and intestines. While on the other hand, the subcutaneous fat is stored just below your skin. It is the fat which you can pinch easily from just about anywhere on your body.

woman pinching her back Visceral Fat

Moreover, visceral fats are actually more harmful than what you may have thought. These fat cells do more than just storing excess energy, and they also produce hormones and inflammatory substances that increase the risk of chronic illnesses. 

With that said, it is much harder to get rid of visceral fat compared to the subcutaneous fat below our skin. This means that your 15 minutes HIIT workout may only manage to burn and shed off the subcutaneous fat and the minimal extent of these pesky visceral fats. 

tired woman after physical activity

Withal, if you’re trying to fit into your bodycon dresses or other tight outfits in the shortest amount of time, the Medical INDIBA® Proionic treatments would be your best bet to incorporate with your diet and exercise regime!

Without further ado, let us explore the benefits of Medical INDIBA® Proionic treatments (Bodyslim System & V Face System).

What is INDIBA®?

In short, Indiba® is a medical-grade machine using non-invasive radiofrequency (RF). With its patented and clinically proven technology, Indiba® is your best beauty solution in providing significant aesthetic effects in facial and body treatments.

fit woman with flat stomach

At Shens Therapeutics, Medical INDIBA® Proionic Bodyslim System & V Face System uses a radio-frequency wave to “melt fats”. Both treatments use a massage head that emits the radio-frequency energy is rolled over the midriff with a massaging action. The application to the skin’s surface raises the internal tissues’ temperature, breaks up fat cells, speeds up the metabolism and drains out toxins. Hence, the treatments work best on localised fat areas and have shown impressive results in the tummy area and the chin.

woman pinching her flat under her upper arm

Compared to the INDIBA® Deep Beauty variant, Medical INDIBA® (aka Indiba® Deep Care) uses a medical-grade CRET® System, which is optimal for post-surgery or cosmetic operation recovery. With better precision and a great rate of radiofrequency, it can provide better body contouring treatments. Thus, reducing body fat, tightening excess or sagging skin and improving the overall aesthetic appearance of the body.

Aside from the above, INDIBA® Deep Care uses a higher voltage compared to the predecessor. With a higher voltage, it can effectively treat the targeted fat zone in a shorter amount of time. 

How INDIBA® works?

By working at the radiofrequency of 448kHz, the INDIBA® Deep Care technology generates three biological effects: biostimulation, vascularisation and hyperactivation. These processes increase metabolic cell activity, blood flow and circulation whilst improving tissue and cell oxygenation. The effects also support the creation of new collagen, detoxify tissue and support lymph drainage.

collagen illustration

The thermal, deep penetration and warming effect of both treatments (Medical INDIBA® Proionic Bodyslim System & Proionic V Face System) enhances normal lipolysis and fat reduction. Its sub-thermal energy penetrates deep into the subcutaneous tissue to impact the adipose (fat storage) tissue. The deep fat cells rapidly lose their fat volume to cause apoptosis (death of fat cells), and the overall liquid retention will also be reduced. Hence, the broken up fat cells are further removed via the body’s lymphatic system.

flat belly on a fit woman

According to medical studies done by Dr Marc-Ignasi Corral-Baques, the INDIBA® treatments are also effective in reducing the visceral fat. Therefore, other than diet and intense exercises, you can certainly add Shens Therapeutics INDIBA® treatments to your ‘fat-losing’ mix. With that, you can get ready to look chic with all the curves you desired for your big date night!

Lastly, you’ve read up till here; there is GOOD NEWS for you! Shens Therapeutics has an attractive promotion from now till 28th February 2021!

Shens Therapeutics Express INDIBA® Bodyslim System is going at $88 per area! And topping it off, Medical INDIBA® V Face Lift (trial) treatment is now $148!

For more information about the treatments at Shens Therapeutics, do contact us via our hotline or Whatsapp!

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