5 Reasons To Include Niacinamide In Your Skincare Routine

5 Reasons To Include Niacinamide In Your Skincare Routine

August 2021
5 Reasons To Include Niacinamide In Your Skincare Routine

Compared to ingredients like vitamin c, hyaluronic acid or retinol, niacinamide may not get as much buzz and popularity. However, at Shens Therapeutics, we feel that niacinamide is the skincare unsung hero ingredient that deserves its well equal praise. Therefore, let us explore its amazing benefits.

July 2021
July’s Skincare Trend: How To Achieve Mochi-Like Skin?

Similar to the origin of the mochi, the mochi skin beauty trend was first popularised in Japan and had since gained massive traction internationally. Focusing on overall skin hydration, supple, bouncy skin with a velvety plump look, let us take a look on how you can achieve it!

June 2021
Beauty Miracle or Fad: Can you reverse skin ageing with 15 mins of LED light therapy?

If we were to tell you that there is an effortless and surefire way to reverse skin ageing by just lying back with your eyes closed, what would be your response? We’re here to find out!

May 2021
Top Skincare Tips For Mothers

With many mommies searching for the elixir for younger skin, Shens Therapeutics is here to share the “Top Skincare Tips For Mothers” to help them regain their radiance! Hence, we will also be sharing an amazing treatment to all mommies to help them regain their glow!

May 2021
Guide to PDRN: Does PDRN truly live up to its hype?

If you’re looking for an anti-ageing product or solution that can target the roots of the stressors that contribute to skin ageing on a cellular level, will you give it a go? PDRN might be your best bet.

March 2021
Best Skin Care Tips for Women In Their 30s

Stepping into the prime age of 30, we need to acquire new ways to slow down the effects of ageing on our skin. Ever wonder the top skincare tips which can help you regain your youthful glow?

January 2021
Are gold facials worth the hype? 

Commonly, most online beauty trends floating around tend to disappear as quickly as we scroll through our social media feed. On the contrary, one treatment has been lauded since ancient times — the gold mask movement. Read on to learn more about the benefits of gold on your skin!

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